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A sparsely populated grouping (mass range 102-103 Msun) of very young, massive stars lying along a spiral arm of the Milky Way, whose spectral types or motions in the sky indicate a common origin. The star density is insufficient for gravitation to hold the group together against shear by differential galactic rotation, but the stars have not yet had time to disperse completely. OB associations are composed of stars of spectral types O-B2; T associations have many young T Tauri stars. The internationally approved designation for associations is the name of the constellation followed by an arabic numeral - e.g., Perseus OB2.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Astronomie
- Categorie: Astronomie în general
- Company: Caltech
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Adam Young
Un músico estadounidense que fundó la banda Owl City a través de MySpace. Firmó con la casa disquera Universal Republic en 2009. Antes de firmar ...
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