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Referring to any alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of grapes.

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Băuturi; Vin

Describes the complexity and concentration of flavors in a wine, as in a wine with excellent or uncommon depth. Opposite of shallow.


Băuturi alcoolice; Vin

Describes a rough, harsh, puckery feel in the mouth, usually from tannin or high acidity, that red wines (and a few whites) have. When the harshness stands out, the wine is astringent.


Băuturi alcoolice; Vin

The acidity of a balanced dry table wine is in the range of 0.6 percent to 0.75 percent of the wine's volume. It is legal in some places--such as Bordeaux and Burgundy, Australia, California--to ...


Băuturi alcoolice; Vin

During fermentation, the steeping of the grape skins and solids in the wine, where alcohol acts as a solvent to extract color, tannin and aroma from the skins.


Băuturi alcoolice; Vin

A wine has balance when its elements are harmonious and no single element dominates.

vinuri rosé

Băuturi; Vin

Vinuri de culoare trandafirie produse în urma contactului de scurtă durată dintre vinul roşu şi cojile strugurilor, reducând culoarea roşie a vinului. Aceste vinuri pot fi făcute şi amestecând o ...


Băuturi; Vin

Varietate de struguri din care se produce vinul alb. Este cultivată mai ales în Germania, unde clima relativ rece ajută la producerea strugurilor pentru unele dintre cele mai bune vinuri albe din ...

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