Contributors in Fructe



Fructe şi legume; Fructe

A small fruit, also called the "Mexican tomato," that is related to the tomato and the cape gooseberry. Their flavor is said to resemble a cross between lemon, apple, and herbs. Used in guacamole and ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Din lume cele mai populare de fructe. Cea mai comuna varietate de SUA este galben Cavendish. Ei sunt culese verde şi dezvolta mai bine aroma atunci când coapte de pe bush. Sunt două soiuri mai dulce ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Un fruct din familia solanaceelor (ca si cartofii şi vinetele).Guvernul SUA le-a clasificat ca legume pentru scopuri comerciale în 1893. Tomatele nu ar trebui să fie congelate - temperaturile ...

vişina acerola

Fructe şi legume; Fructe

A cherry-like fruit from a small tree in the West Indies and adjacent areas. This fruit contains a high concentration of vitamin C. Also called "acerola" and "Puerto Rican cherry."

''acerola''(visina tropicala)

Fructe şi legume; Fructe

A cherry-like fruit from a small tree in the West Indies and adjacent areas. This fruit contains a high concentration of vitamin C. Also called "Barbados cherry" and "Puerto Rican cherry."


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

A bright red tropical fruit ("blighia sapida") that features a soft, creamy white flesh. Captain Bligh brought the fruit from West Africa to Jamaica in 1793. Certain parts of the fruit are toxic when ...

Cireaşa de Surinam

Fructe şi legume; Fructe

The yellow to deep red, cherry-like fruit of a Brazilian tree of the myrtle family. These fruit, which are now grown in the U.S., are slightly acid and are eaten out-of-hand and used in jams and ...

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