Contributors in Fructe



Fructe şi legume; Fructe

This edible squash-like gourd, also known as "marrow squash," is related to the zucchini. It has a bland flavor and is often stuffed with a meat filling.

''Dovlecelul amarui''

Fructe şi legume; Fructe

The fruit of a tropical climbing herb in Africa and Asia. It is similar to a cucumber and is used as a vegetable in meat dishes, fish dishes, and in soups. Also called "Balsam pear" or "bitter ...

pepene verde

Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Fructe mari melonlike de o plantă din familia tărtăcuţă, cu piele netedă verde, pulpă de roşii şi sucul apos.


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Also called "bramble," these are the largest of the wild berries, up to 1 inch long when mature. Look for plump, deep colored berries without hulls. (If hulls are present, the berries were picked too ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Albastru-negru boabe acestei plante sunt buna-piele, rotund, suculent şi dulce. Uita-te pentru firmă, uniform dimensiuni afine care sunt albastru indigo cu un îngheţ argintiu.


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

A rich fruit known for its lush, buttery texture and mild, nutty flavor. Comes from the Nahuatl word for "testicle," perhaps for its shape. 80% of the U.S. crop comes from California. Avocados are ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Fruct citric cu coaja subţire, înrudit cu mandarina. Are un gust acrişor, delicat. A fost numit după oraşul african Tanger (chiar dacă provine din China).

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Andy Warhol

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