Contributors in Fructe



Fructe şi legume; Fructe

O struguri uscați. Stafide au un conţinut ridicat de zahăr şi un gust diferit din struguri. Stafide sunt mânca afară-de-mână şi utilizate în cereale, budinci, cookie-uri, prajituri, briose, carne ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Un puternic aromat boabe de multe drupelets comunicante (individuale sacii de fructe, fiecare cu propriile sale seminţe). Soiuri includ de aur, negru şi roşu. Tipul rosu este cea mai comună. Ataşat ...

banana rosie

Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Available in some markets is the short, chubby red banana. This variety of banana is sweeter than the extremely popular yellow variety known as the "Cavendish."


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

The rhubarb is a very tart member of the buckwheat family. It is generally eaten as a fruit but is actually a vegetable. It is used in sauces, jams, and desserts. Rhubarb leaves contain the toxin ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

This hardy member of the rose family is a red, juicy sweet-tart berry. The French "European Alpine" strawberries are tiny, very sweet berries and are considered the finest. Eaten out-of-hand, used in ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Există sute de soiuri de acest fruct comestibil. Culoare a cuprinde albastru, verde, violet, roşu şi galben. Carnea este gros si suculent şi aroma variază de la dulce la tartă. Prunele sunt consumate ...


Fructe şi legume; Fructe

Also called "shaddock" and "pumello," this large citrus fruit is very similar to large grapefruits, but can weight up to 25 pounds. May be prepared and served any way that grapefruits are prepared ...

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