Home > Terms > Sârbă (SR) > систем
An integrated set of regularly interacting or interdependent components created to accomplish a defined objective, with defined and maintained relationships among its components, and the whole producing or operating better than the simple sum of its components. Systems may be either physically process-based or management process based, or more commonly a combination of both. Systems for project management are composed of project management processes, techniques, methodologies, and tools operated by the project management team.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Servicii de afaceri
- Categorie: Gestionare proiect
- Company: WSDOT
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Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Alimente (altele) Categorie: Ierburi şi mirodenii
spice (whole or ground) Description: Seeds from the coriander plant, related to the parsley family (see cilantro). Mixture of lemon, sage and caraway ...
Glosare dezvoltate
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