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Dessert sauces have a somewhat thicker consistency and will cling to a spoon if not warmed. They are soft and could be stirred. Once warmed, a dessert sauce would be able to be poured. Favorite flavors are chocolate, hot fudge, white chocolate macadamia, caramel, cheesecake, strawberry rhubarb, red-raspberry, and even chocolate peppermint. Use as an ice cream sundae topping, drizzle over hit cake, top brownies, a slice of warm apple pie, or strudel a la mode. It could also be used to dress up dessert breads, cheesecake and also fresh fruit. Add your favorite flavor dessert sauce and formulate an outstanding shake or malt.

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Aleksandar Dimitrijević
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Industrie/Domeniu: Persoane Categorie: Sportivi

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