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кредити и потраживања
Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market, other than: (a) those that the entity intends to sell immediately or in the near term, which shall be classified as held for trading, and those that the entity upon initial recognition designates as at fair value through profit or loss; (b) those that the entity upon initial recognition designates as available for sale; or (c) those for which the holder may not recover substantially all of its initial investment, other than because of credit deterioration, which shall be classified as available for sale. An interest acquired in a pool of assets that are not loans or receivables (for example, an interest in a mutual fund or a similar fund) is not a loan or receivable.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Servicii financiare
- Categorie: Contabilitate
- Company:
- Produs:
- Acronim-abreviere:
Alte limbi:
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Browers Terms By Category
- Aer condiţionat(327)
- Încălzitoare apă(114)
- Uscătoare şi maşini de spălat(69)
- Aspiratoare(64)
- Cafetiere(41)
- Electrocasnice pentru gătit(5)
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- Cosmetică(80)
Cosmetice şi îngrijirea pielii(80) Terms
- Reţea wireless(199)
- Modemuri(93)
- Paravan de protecţie şi VPN(91)
- Stocare în reţea(39)
- Routere(3)
- Comutatoare de reţea(2)
Hardware de reţea(428) Terms
- Echipament radiologie(1356)
- Echipament obstetrică şi ginecologie(397)
- Articole cardiologie(297)
- Teste clinice(199)
- Echipament ultrasonic şi optic(61)
- Echipament terapie fizică(42)
Dispozitive medicale(2427) Terms
- Pod(5007)
- Instalaţii sanitare(1082)
- Tâmplărie(559)
- Arhitectură(556)
- Podele(503)
- Renovare casă(421)