Home > Terms > Macedoneană (MK) > едногласност
A Senator may request unanimous consent on the floor to set aside a specified rule of procedure so as to expedite proceedings. If no Senator objects, the Senate permits the action, but if any one Senator objects, the request is rejected. Unanimous consent requests with only immediate effects are routinely granted, but ones affecting the floor schedule, the conditions of considering a bill or other business, or the rights of other Senators, are normally not offered, or a floor leader will object to it, until all Senators concerned have had an opportunity to inform the leaders that they find it acceptable.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Guvern
- Categorie: Guvern american
- Company: U.S. Senate
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Тешкото е македонско народно оро, се смета за едно од хајубавите и сигурно најтешките ора. Тешкото е машко оро. Се смета дека самото оро го ...
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