Home > Terms > Galiţiană (GL) > opinión do contable
opinión do contable
If a independent certified public accountant is requested to audit a company's books, he will issue a opinion as to the condition of the financial statements There are several degrees of opinion from clean to adverse A clean opinion doesn't mean that every number is correct, only that the financials fairly represent the position of the company An adverse opinion means the financials don't represent the position of the company A disclaimer means the auditor can't (for any number of reasons) express an opinion on the statements
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Contabilitate
- Categorie: Taxă
- Company:
- Produs:
- Acronim-abreviere:
Alte limbi:
Ce doriţi să spuneţi?
Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Educaţie Categorie: Învăţământ
habilidades orais
skills or abilities in oral speech, ability of speech, fluency in speaking
Glosare dezvoltate
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