Home > Terms > Bosniacă (BS) > republikanizam
At the time of the American Revolution, republicanism referred to the concept that sovereignty, or ultimate political authority, is vested in the people--the citizens of the nation. As such, republican governments not only derive their authority from the consent of the governed but also predicate themselves on the principles of rule by law and legislation by elected representatives.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv propriu
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Istorie
- Categorie: Istorie americană
- Company: University of Houston
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Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Alimente (altele) Categorie: Ierburi şi mirodenii
sjeme celera
spice (whole or ground, sometimes mixed with salt - celery salt) Description: Seeds from wild Indian celery called lovage. Slightly bitter, strong ...
Glosare dezvoltate
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