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Robert Kenedi
After an early public life as a committed Cold Warrior, Kennedy ran for the Democratic nomination in 1968 as a peace candidate representative of young liberals. His assassination while on the campaign trail helped create the disenchantment of many young Americans with the political process.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv propriu
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Istorie
- Categorie: Istorie americană
- Company: University of Houston
- Produs:
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Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Jocuri Categorie: Jocuri pe computer
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Browers Terms By Category
- Sticle vin(1)
- Sticle băuturi nealcoolice(1)
- Sticle de bere(1)
Ambalaje de sticlă(3) Terms
- Medicină(68317)
- Tratament cancer(5553)
- Boli(4078)
- Genetic disorders(1982)
- Managed care(1521)
- Optometrie(1202)
Sănătate(89875) Terms
- Cutii de carton(1)
- Hârtie împachetat(1)
Ambalaje de hârtie(2) Terms
- Legislaţie în general(5868)
- Contracte(640)
- Brevet şi marcă comercială(449)
- Juridic(214)
- Legislaţie S.U.A.(77)
- Legislaţie europeană(75)
Legislaţie(7373) Terms
- Reţea wireless(199)
- Modemuri(93)
- Paravan de protecţie şi VPN(91)
- Stocare în reţea(39)
- Routere(3)
- Comutatoare de reţea(2)