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Oils is used for cookery to fry and saut� foods, for making salad dressings, and for use in baking. Oils are extracted from seeds and fruits such as corn, cottonseed, soybean, sesame, sunflower, safflower, olive, and also avocado. Some oils are extracting from nuts such as peanut, walnut, almond, and hazelnut. There are two essential methods used for extracting the oil: cold extraction and warmth extraction.

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Industrie/Domeniu: Animale Categorie: Insecte


ছোট গোলাকার উজ্বল রং-এর ওপর বিন্দু-র নকশা করা এক ধরনের গুবরে পোকা, এরা সাধারণত অ্যাফিডস্ জাতীয় নরম পতঙ্গ খায়৷


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