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efecto Yarkovsky
An explanation for the shift in an asteroid's orbit around the Sun due to a thermal thrust caused by the body's uneven heating by sunlight. The illuminated side of an asteroid absorbs the sunlight and heats up. After a short delay produced by thermal inertia, the asteroid re-radiates the thermal energy and this causes a recoil spin that pushes the asteroid away from its current orbital path. In 2003, scientists used radar data from the Arecibo Observatory of Asteroid 6489 "Golevka" to obtain the first-ever measurements of the Yarkovsky Effect. (Named for the Russian engineer who came up with the idea around the year 1900. )
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Astronomie
- Categorie: Ştiinţa planetelor
- Company: PSRD
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