Home > Terms > Sârbă (SR) > транспарентан
Refers to a connection (TCP) or data stream (UDP) sent by a client directly to a server, in which the client is unaware of the intervening gateway. The opposite of non-transparent. Transparent access is routinely used for outbound traffic so that clients are unaware of the intervening gateway. This is sometimes referred to as server-side transparency, because the true server, and not the gateway, is the target of the connection.
- Parte de vorbire: adjectiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Hardware de reţea
- Categorie: Paravan de protecţie şi VPN
- Company: Symantec
- Produs:
- Acronim-abreviere:
Alte limbi:
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Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Bucătărie şi servirea mesei Categorie: Echipament băuturi
Шоља за чај
Шоља за чај је мала шоља, са или без дршке, обично довољно мала да се може узети у руку помоћу палца и једног или два прста. Обично се праве од ...
Glosare dezvoltate
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