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A service is an I/O Kit entity, based on a subclass of IOService, that has been published with the registerService method and provides certain capabilities to other I/O Kit objects. In the I/O Kit’s layered architecture, each layer is a client of the layer below it and a provider of services to the layer above it. A service type is identified by a matching dictionary that describes properties of the service. A nub or driver can provide services to other I/O Kit objects.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Software; Computere
- Categorie: Sisteme de operare
- Company: Apple
- Produs: Mac OS X
- Acronim-abreviere:
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Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Hardware de reţea Categorie:
рачунарска мрежа
system of interconnected computer equipment that permits the sharing for information
Glosare dezvoltate
Browers Terms By Category
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- Biologie moleculară(4701)
- Microbiology(1476)
- Ecologie(1425)
- Toxicologie(1415)
- Biologie celulară(1236)
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- Pălării şi şepci(21)
- Eşarfe(8)
- Mănuşi cu degete şi cu un deget(8)
- Accesorii păr(6)
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- Medicare & Medicaid(969)
- Asigurare de viaţă(359)
- Asigurări în general(50)
- Asigurări comerciale(4)
- Asigurări de voiaj(1)
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- Contracte(640)
- Renovare locuinţă(270)
- Ipotecă(171)
- Rezidenţial(37)
- Corporaţii(35)
- Comercial(31)
Imobiliare(1184) Terms
- Caractere(952)
- Jocuri cu lupte(83)
- Shmups(77)
- Jocuri în general(72)
- MMO(70)
- Jocuri ritmice(62)