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Content generally refers to the subject matter, meaning or significance of a work of art, as opposed to its form. In modern art the dramatic succession of innovations in form from Impressionism onwards have meant that discussion of this has often taken precedence over that of content. In the 1960s and early 1970s the particularly radical flight from traditional forms of art that resulted in what became known as Conceptual art, gave rise to work in which form and content were fused in a new way.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Istoria artelor
- Categorie: Istoria artelor în general
- Company: Tate
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Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Politici Categorie: Politică în general
Ralf Nejder
Američki političar (član Zelene stranke), pisac, advokat, i što je još važnije, politički aktivista, rođen 1934.godine. Njegova polja interesovanja su ...
Glosare dezvoltate
stanley soerianto
Rock Bands of the '70s
Categorie: Istorie 1
10 Terms

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- Legi şi programe pentru agricultură(1482)
- Hrană animale(538)
- Ştiinţa produselor lactate(179)