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језеро Хурон
The second largest of the Great Lakes of North America, bounded on the west by Michigan (U. S. ) and on the north and east by Ontario (Can. ). The lake is 206 mi (331 km) long from northwest to southeast, and its maximum width is 183 mi. The total area of its drainage basin is 51,700 sq mi (133,900 sq km), exclusive of the lake surface area, which is 23,000 sq mi. A notable feature of the lake is Manitoulin Island, which separates the North Channel and Georgian Bay from Lake Huron's main body of water. It is the world's largest freshwater island.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv propriu
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Agenţii ape
- Categorie: Lacuri
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Industrie/Domeniu: Educaţie Categorie: Învăţământ
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