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End-effector velocity is related to joint speeds by this matrix of first-order partial derivatives.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Roboţi
- Categorie: Asamblare
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Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Publicitate Categorie: Reclame televiziune
(Video rekorder personal) vrp
A generic term for a device that is similar to a VCR but records television data in digital format as opposed to the VCR's analog format. PVRs have ...
Glosare dezvoltate
Browers Terms By Category
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- Cranes(413)
- Echipament laser(243)
- Transportoare(185)
- Strung(62)
- Echipament sudură(52)
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- Ştiri(147)
- Echipament difuzare radio şi TV(126)
- Echipament TV(9)
- Receptor TV(6)
- Radiouri şi accesorii(5)
- Antenă TV(1)
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- Film titles(41)
- Studii de film(26)
- Filmare(17)
- Tipuri de film(13)