Home > Terms > Macedoneană (MK) > реакција
Tendency towards a former, or opposite state of things, as after reform, revolution, or inflation.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Educaţie
- Categorie: Vocabular SAT
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Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
мал мозок
The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem.
Glosare dezvoltate
Browers Terms By Category
- Musculatură(158)
- Brain(145)
- Corp uman(144)
- Anatomia dezvoltării(72)
- Sistem nervos(57)
- Artere(53)
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- Cabluri şi fire(2)
- Echipament fibră optică(1)
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- Plastic injection molding(392)
- Industrial manufacturing(279)
- Producţie de hârtie(220)
- Fibră de sticlă(171)
- Contract manufacturing(108)
- Sticlă(45)
Industria prelucrătoare(1257) Terms
- Comunicaţii marketing(549)
- Publicitate online(216)
- Panou reclame(152)
- Reclame televiziune(72)
- Reclame radio(57)
- Publicitate domeniu media nou(40)