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Бренд Пери
The Band Perry is a country music group, made up of three siblings: Kimberly Perry (guitarist, pianist), Reid Perry (bass guitarist), and Neil Perry (mandolin, drums, accordian). Kimberly is the lead vocalists, and her two brothers offer background vocals support. The band is with Republic Nashville and have produced three singles since signing on in August 2009: "Hip to My Heart", "If I Die Young", and "You Lie". "If I Die Young", written by Kimberly, reached number one on the Hot Country Songs chart, and is now certified platinum. At the Academy of County Music (ACM)Awards held on April 3, 2011, The Band Perry won for best new artist.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv propriu
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Persoane
- Categorie: Muzicieni
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Browers Terms By Category
- Vocabular SAT(5103)
- Colegii şi universităţi(425)
- Învăţământ(386)
- General education(351)
- Studii superioare(285)
- Cunoaştere(126)
Educaţie(6837) Terms
- Legislaţie în general(5868)
- Contracte(640)
- Brevet şi marcă comercială(449)
- Juridic(214)
- Legislaţie S.U.A.(77)
- Legislaţie europeană(75)
Legislaţie(7373) Terms
- Festivaluri(20)
- Sărbători religioase(17)
- Sărbători naţionale(9)
- Datini(6)
- Sărbători neoficiale(6)
- Sărbători internaţionale(5)
Vacanţă(68) Terms
- Musculatură(158)
- Brain(145)
- Corp uman(144)
- Anatomia dezvoltării(72)
- Sistem nervos(57)
- Artere(53)
Anatomie(873) Terms
- Comunicaţii marketing(549)
- Publicitate online(216)
- Panou reclame(152)
- Reclame televiziune(72)
- Reclame radio(57)
- Publicitate domeniu media nou(40)