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Мојата чинија
Promoted by the Obama administration, the MyPlate icon replaced 19 years of the food pyramid icon. The MyPlate icon was chosen as an easy way to remind people to be mindful of what they put on their plates. The plate is divided into four sections: fruits (20%), grains (30%), protein (20%), and vegetables (30%), with a suggested glass of milk alongside it to represent dairy intake.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv propriu
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Condiţie fizică
- Categorie: Dietă
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- Lingerie(48)
- Lenjerie(32)
- Fuste şi rochii(30)
- Paltoane şi jachete(25)
- Pantaloni lungi şi scurţi(22)
- Cămăşi(17)
Îmbrăcăminte(222) Terms
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- Cranes(413)
- Echipament laser(243)
- Transportoare(185)
- Strung(62)
- Echipament sudură(52)
Utilaje industriale(1734) Terms
- Legislaţie în general(5868)
- Contracte(640)
- Brevet şi marcă comercială(449)
- Juridic(214)
- Legislaţie S.U.A.(77)
- Legislaţie europeană(75)
Legislaţie(7373) Terms
- Unelte manuale(59)
- Unelte de grădinărit(45)
- General tools(10)
- Unelte construcţii(2)
- Pensulă(1)
Unelte(117) Terms
- Automatizări industriale(1051)