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шартты іркіліс
When Congress adjourns for more than three days, authority is often provided the Speaker and President Pro Tempore (or the Senate Majority Leader) to reconvene Congress at an earlier date to address an emergency or important issue. This authority is provided in the concurrent resolution authorizing the conditional adjournment.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Guvern
- Categorie: Guvern american
- Company: U.S. Senate
- Produs:
- Acronim-abreviere:
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Industrie/Domeniu: Festivaluri Categorie: Halloween
Also known as All Hallow's Eve, Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31st in America, Canada, and the UK. It is supposedly the one day ...
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