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Տնտեսական հ

A Paris-based club for industrialized countries and the best of the rest. It was formed in 1961, building on the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC), which had been established under the Marshall plan. By 2003, its membership had risen to 30 countries, from an original 20. Together, OECD countries produce two-thirds of the world’s goods and services. The OECD provides a policy talking shop for governments. It produces forests-worth of documents discussing public policy ideas, as well as detailed empirical analysis. It also publishes reports on the economic performance of individual countries, which usually contain lots of valuable information even if they are rarely very critical of the policies implemented by a member government.

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Ոչխարները շատ օգտակար կենդանիներ են: Նրանց խնամում են հիմանակնում իրենց բրդի համար, բայց նաև նրանց միսը ուտելու: Որոշ ոչխարի տեսակներ համարվում են նաև ...