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An idea is the content of cognition, a perception in consciousness of an object, which is the main thing you are thinking about and is therefore often deemed a personal view. However, according to Plato an idea is a universal or eternally real object, while according to Hegel it is a synonym for the Absolute. In Platonism, an "idea" anticipates a "form."
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Filozofie
- Categorie: Filozofie în general
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Industrie/Domeniu: Armată Categorie: Al Doilea Război Mondial
Teheranska konferencija
Kodnog naziva Eureka, Teheranska konferencija je sastanak na vrhu između SAD, Velike Britanije i SSSR-a, održana od 08. studenog do 01. prosinca 1943. ...
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