Home > Terms > Croată (HR) > grijač, soba

grijač, soba

A self-contained, free-standing, nonrecessed (except as noted below), gas-burning, air heating appliance intended for installation in the space being heated and not intended for duct connection. This shall not include heating appliances covered by other American Standard Approval or Listing Requirements. It may be of either the gravity or mechanical air circulation type, vented, or unvented. (In some areas, this is referred to as a space heater).

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Marija Horvat
  • 0


  • 21


  • 2


Industrie/Domeniu: Animale Categorie: Insecte

božja ovčica

Mali okrugli kukac žarkih boja s točkicama, obično se hrani lisnim ušima i drugim kukcima nametnicima.