Home > Terms > Galiţiană (GL) > páxina
A page is not a profile. It may look like one, but it's not. The features and capabilities are different. It is a Facebook site intended for and created by artists, musical groups, celebrities, businesses, brands and similar entities (not individuals). You can add pages to your profile to show your friends what you care about. Only the official representative of an artist or business can create and make changes to a page. Visit the Help Center to learn more.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Internet
- Categorie: Medii sociale
- Company: Facebook
- Produs:
- Acronim-abreviere:
Alte limbi:
Ce doriţi să spuneţi?
Termeni la ştiri
Termeni dezvoltaţi
Industrie/Domeniu: Hardware de reţea Categorie:
rede de ordenadores
system of interconnected computer equipment that permits the sharing for information
Glosare dezvoltate
Browers Terms By Category
- Coafor(194)
- Dotări spălătorie rufe(15)
- Asistenţă veterinară(12)
- Produse îngrijire decedaţi(3)
- Săli de sport(1)
- Fotografie portret(1)
Servicii pentru consumatori(226) Terms
- Automatizări industriale(1051)
Automatizări(1051) Terms
- Termeni din zoologie(611)
- Verbe provenite de la animale(25)
Zoologie(636) Terms
- Economie(2399)
- Economie internaţională(1257)
- International trade(355)
- Forex(77)
- Ecommerce(21)
- Standardizare economică(2)