Pagină de pornire > Blossary: Terrarystyka
Podstawowe hasła związane z tematem terrarystyki.

Categorie: Other

22 Terms

Created by: Brydzo

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

Meteoroloģisko faktoru esošo organismu vidē. Tie ietver tādus faktorus kā: gaisa temperatūru, atmosfēras spiedienu un mitrumu. Mikroklimats ir atšķirīga daudzu organismu, tuksneša apgabalos nebūs ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: Zoological terms

Animals Forage additives, commonly called karmówką, then the animals stored as food for animals kept in terraria. Most of the prisoners and the most popular insects which are food are karaczany, ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: Zoological terms

Animals Forage additives, commonly called karmówką, then the animals stored as food for animals kept in terraria. Most of the prisoners and the most popular insects which are food are karaczany, ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: Zoological terms

氣象因素存在於有機體的環境。這些包括等因素: 空氣溫度、 大氣壓力、 濕度。小氣候是許多生物不同,沙漠地區將會從森林有其他氣候的特徵。例如,水晶球的目的把下一個自然條件作為可能 przetrzymywanemu ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: Zoological terms

Fatores meteorológicos existentes no ambiente do organismo. Estes incluem fatores como: temperatura, pressão atmosférica e umidade do ar. O microclima é diferente para muitos organismos, áreas ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: Zoological terms

Heating cable ensures proper temperature inside terrarium. Usally the cables sold are flexible and can be bent, which helps to place it in properly inside terrarium, usally we do not want to heat the ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: 

Meteorogical conditions that prevail in a specific natural environment of the given organism. They include: air temperature, athmospheric pressure and humidity. Microclimate is different for many ...

Domain: Zoology; Industrie/Domeniu: Zoological terms

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By: Brydzo