Home > Blossary: Architecture contemporaine
Base de données terminologique créée dans le cadre du cours de terminologie du Master2 DTIC à l'UBS de Vannes, France.


1 Term

Created by: Kizsok

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Commercial organisation that provides a set of services in architecture. It oftens gathers several architects.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Kaubandusettevõtte, mis pakub mitmeid teenuseid arhitektuuri. See oftens kogub mitu arhitektid.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Steel is an alloy that consists mostly of iron and carbon.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Teras on koosnevad peamiselt raua ja süsiniku sulamist.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services : local end eco-friendly material, tight building design, including energy-efficient windows, well-sealed doors, additional thermal insulation of walls and roof, ventilation, basement slabs, and foundations can reduce heat loss.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Toodete ja teenuste pakkumiseks vajaliku summa vähendamiseks eesmärk: kohaliku lõpp keskkonnasõbralik materjal, tihe ehitusprojekti, sealhulgas energiatõhusate windows, kinnises uksed, täiendava soojusisolatsiooniga seinad ja katus, ventilatsiooni, kelder paneelid ja sihtasutuste saab vähendada soojuskadu.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air, around a closed space. A mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Seaduse värsket õhku ja vabaneda ebameeldiva õhu lennujaama suletud ruumi. Mehhaanilise süsteemi hoone, mis pakub värsket õhku.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Any large object permanently fixed to Earth's surface or in its orbit, as a result of construction, and the arrangement of its parts. There can be buildings and nonbuilding structures, and man-made or animal-made.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Iga suure objekti püsivalt kinnitatud maapinnale või oma orbiidil ehitus ja selle osade paigutus. Võib esineda hoonete ja nonbuilding struktuuride ja inimese või looma tehtud.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. The act of improving by renewing and restoring 2. The state of being restored to its former good condition.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

1. Parandada uuendamine ja taastamine 2 tegu. Riik on taastada endise seisundi.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Building materials are used in the construction industry to create buildings and structures. They can be natural : wood, lime, hemp, cellulose, wool, and synthetic : steel, plaster, ceramic, glass, plastic, concrete.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Ehitusmaterjalide kasutatakse ehitustööstuses luua ehitised ja rajatised. Tegemist võib olla füüsiline: puit, lubja, kanepi, tselluloos, vill ja süntees: steel, Kips, keraamilised, klaas, plastik, betoon.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A craftsman who works with stone, brick, concrete. Masonry is commonly used for the walls of buildings, retaining walls and monuments

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Käsitööline, kes töötab kivi, tellis, betoon. Müüritise sagedamini kasutatakse seinte, tugiseinad ja mälestusmärgid

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The frame that supports a door, or a window (window frame).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

raam, mis toetab uks või aken (akna raami).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Designed for or adapted to a function or use.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Mis on kavandatud või kohandatud funktsioonis või kasutada.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The side of a building that is seen first, or generally a side of a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Hoone, mis on näinud esimene pool, või üldiselt pool hoone.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Which doesn't allow water to pas in and out, which prevent leaks.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Mis ei luba vee pas ja sealt kus vältida lekkeid.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

[adj] : Situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building# [n] [n] : the region that is outside of something

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

[adj]: asuvad või õues või väljaspool ühe hoone # [n] [n]: piirkond, mis on midagi väljaspool

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A building addition is a part of a building (one room or more) that has been added to the existing and original building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Hoone Lisaks kuulub hoone (üks tuba või rohkem), mis on lisatud olemasolevate ja peahoonega.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

It is said of a building, an environment or a landscape that does exist, is currently present and that the architect has to deal with.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Öeldakse hoone, keskkond või maastikku, mis on olemas, on praegu olemas ja arhitekt peab tegelema.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. In many cases coatings are applied to improve surface properties of the substrate, such as appearance, adhesion, wet-ability, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and scratch resistance.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Kate on kattega, mis objekti, tavaliselt nimetatakse substraadi pinnale. Paljudel juhtudel katted on kohaldatud parandada pinna omadused Alusmaterjal, nagu välimuse, haardumist, märg-võime, korrosioonikindlus, kulumiskindlusega ja viimistluse näide.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Lighting is the deliberate application of light to achieve some aesthetic or practical effect. Lighting includes use of both artificial light sources such as lamps and natural illumination of interiors from daylight.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Valgustus on valguse tahtliku kohaldamise mõned esteetilise või praktilise efekti saavutamiseks. Valgustus hõlmab kasutamist nii kunstlike valgusallikate nagu laternad ja interjööri päevavalguse loomulik valgustus.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Used to refer to goods considered to inflict minimal or no harm on the environment.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Kasutatud kaup loetakse tekitada minimaalne või kahju keskkonnale.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

[adj] situated within or suitable for inside a building [n] the inner or enclosed surface of something

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

[adj] jooksul või sobib hoonesse [n] sisemine või suletud pinnal midagi

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Furnishings, instrumentalities that make a room or other area ready for occupancy.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Sisustus, kuriteovahendite, mis muudavad ruumi või muu ala valmis inimesele.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Seaduse trenni näol midagi (nagu tehes joonis või kava või plaan).

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted. In architecture project is used to denominate the realisation of a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Kõik tööd mis on tehtud või mida proovinud. Arhitektuuri kasutatakse projekti nimetamiseks hoone teostus.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The process of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling the production of a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Planeerimine, korraldamine, personalitöö, juhtimiseks ja kontrollimiseks ehitise tootmise protsessi.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

The winner of an architecture competition gets commissioned to realise an architectural project.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Arhitektuuri konkursi võitja saab tellitud arhitektuurse projekti realiseerimiseks.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

An engenier who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively. He accomodates the landscape according to the history of the area, the existing buildings, the purpose of the area.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Engenier, kes korraldab maastiku või Aed atraktiivselt. Ta mahutab maastiku järgi ajaloo alal, olemasolevate hoonete, piirkond όlesanne.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

An engenier in charge with city planning, that is upgrading transports, life, housing of a city.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Eest linna planeerimine, engenier, mis on ajakohastamisprotsessi transpordi, elu, eluaseme linn.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A region marked off for administrative or other purposes

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

haldus-või muud märgitud piirkonnas

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A builder specialised in making roofs, footings and outer weatherproof skin, as found on most domestic architecture.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Ehitaja spetsialiseerunud tegemise katused, vundamendid ja ilmastikukindel välisosa leida kõige kodumaiste arhitektuuri.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A carpenter (builder) is a skilled craftsperson who performs carpentry. Carpenters work with timber to construct, instal and maintain buildings, furniture, and other objects. The work may involve manual labour and work outdoors.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Puusepp (ehitaja) on kogenud craftsperson, kes viib läbi puutöö. Puusepad töö puidu ehitada, paigaldada ja hooldada hooned, mööbli ja muude esemete. Töö võib hõlmata käsitsitöö ja töötavad väljas.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A contest for some prize, honor, or advantage. In the building industry an architecture competition is a contest between architects to obtain a prize for the conceptual work or an order to make a building.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Konkurss mõned auhind, au ja kasu. Ehitustööstusele arhitektuuri konkurss on võistlus arhitektid saada auhinnaks kontseptuaalne töö või selleks, et teha hoone vahel.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes other fibrous plants, used for construction purposes when cut or pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Puit on puude ja mõnikord kasutatavad ehitusmaterjalid lõikamisel või surutakse puit ja puidust lauad, plangud ja samalaadsete materjalide muude kiuliste taimed.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Concrete is a composite building material made from the combination of aggregate and a binder such as cement.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Betooni on ehitusmaterjal valmistatud koostisega täitematerjali ja sideaine, nagu tsemendi kombineeritud.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

A worker who has special skills in the building industry. A builder can be mason, electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter...

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Töötaja, kellel on erilisi oskusi ehitustööstusele. Ehitaja saab mason, elektrik, torulukksepp, maalikunstnik, puusepp...

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Special procedure for generating competing offers from different bidders looking to obtain an award of business activity in architecture, design, town-planning or landscape architecture.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

erimenetluse tekitama konkureerivate pakkumiste eri pakkujad soovivad saada äritegevuse arhitektuuri, disaini, linnaplaneerimisest või maastikuarhitektuuri autasu.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Commercial organisation that provides a set of services in architecture. It oftens gathers several architects.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

Kaubandusettevõtte, mis pakub mitmeid teenuseid arhitektuuri. See oftens kogub mitu arhitektid.

Domain: Architecture; Category: Architecture contemporaine

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