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terza rima
An interlocking three-line rhyme scheme: aba, bcb, cdc, ded, and so on. Dante’s The Divine Comedy and Frost’s "Acquainted with the Night" are written in terza rima. See also rhyme, tercet.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Literatură
- Categorie: Literatură în general
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Industrie/Domeniu: Jocuri Categorie: Jocuri pe computer
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- Control trafic aerian(1257)
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- Produse îngrijire decedaţi(3)
- Săli de sport(1)
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- Aparate fax(71)
- Copiatoare(48)
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- Scanere(9)
- Proiectoare(3)
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- Tratament cancer(5553)
- Boli(4078)
- Genetic disorders(1982)
- Managed care(1521)
- Optometrie(1202)