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Wedding florals

Flowers are as common in a wedding as a white dress. For centuries, flowers have been used in bridal bouquets, as centerpieces on the tables and to decorate churches and reception halls. The beauty in their colors, shapes and textures as well as their fragrance and what certain flowers represent make them the perfect accompaniment to every style of wedding. Whether you consider yourself an authority on flowers, an admirer or completely clueless, you can pull off a fabulous floral design for your wedding.

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Wedding florals


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Un buchet de flori tulpină lungă legănat în braţele miresei.

concurs de buchet

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Un buchet de flori tulpină lungă legănat în braţele miresei.

se clatina buchet

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O copie a buchetul miresei este utilizat numai pentru ritualul arunca buchetul.


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Flori sau frunze tăiate în forme geometrice, adesea asemănătoare miniaturale copaci sau animale.


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Un baldachin de nunta decorat cu flori, care este o parte integrantă a ceremoniei tradiţionale evreieşti.


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Aranjamente florale de stil japonez care sunt punct de vedere estetic la unison cu spaţiu, dimensiune, pământ şi aer.

peşte bol

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Stil de mici central care constă din flori grupate intr-un bol de sticlă.

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