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Planetary science
The scientific study of planets including Earth, moons, and planetary systems of the Solar System in particular and the processes that form them.
Industry: Astronomie
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Planetary science
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Astronomie; Ştiinţa planetelor
Un val de compressional puternic că durează un timp extrem de scurt. Undele de şoc sunt create de evenimente explozive, cum ar fi impactul unui meteorit pe o suprafaţă planetare.
Astronomie; Ştiinţa planetelor
Kilometer-sized "dirty snowball" composed of dust (refractory material) and primarily water-ice which gives rise to all of the features observers associate with comets. As the nucleus approaches the ...
Astronomie; Ştiinţa planetelor
A silicate mineral common in basalt and composed mostly of iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), calcium ( Ca), and silicon (Si). Composition varies as a mixture among FeSiO 3 , MgSiO 3 , and CaSiO 3 .
Astronomie; Ştiinţa planetelor
Studiul de căldură şi transformarea acesteia la mecanice şi alte forme de energie.
Misiunea Phoenix pe Marte
Astronomie; Ştiinţa planetelor
NASA lander mission; it is the first Mars "Scout class" mission to study the planet's north-pole ice cap, and the geologic history of water and habitability potential in the polar ice-rich soil. ...
perioada Noachiană
Astronomie; Ştiinţa planetelor
Istoria geologica Marte a fost divizată în trei largi perioade sau epoci. Cele mai vechi la cel mai mic, acestea sunt Noachian, Hesperian, şi amazoniene (numit după locuri de pe Marte). Aceste epoci ...