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Human body

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Human body

os ilium

Anatomie; Corp uman

The upper part of the bony pelvis which forms the receptacle for the head of the femur at the hip joint.


Anatomie; Corp uman

Also called the ankle bone. The ankle joint is formed by the talus and the bottom of the tibia and fibula that rest upon it. The Latin word "talus" means ankle and in medicine it can refer to the ...


Anatomie; Corp uman

Mai este numita si patella.Este osul mic,situat in partea din fata a genunchiului.


Anatomie; Corp uman

The larger of the two long bones within the forearm. The ulna is on the same side of the arm as the little finger.


Anatomie; Corp uman

The smaller of the two bones on the thumb side of the forearm.

vezica biliara

Anatomie; Corp uman

Organ in forma de para,situat imediat sub ficat,care inmagazineaza bila secretata de catre acesta.

vezica urinara

Anatomie; Corp uman

Organ cavitar,situat in abdomenul inferior,in care se acumuleaza urina.

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