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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Antropologie culturală

Cultural anthropology

sistem economic

Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

Idei şi instituţii care oameni trag şi comportamente în care acestea să se angajeze pentru a asigura resurse pentru a satisface nevoile şi dorinţele lor.


Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

lithology, is the study of science of stones from Greek 'lithos'=stone.


Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

The intentional use and control of fire by humans.


Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

The joining of separate pieces of bone in human skeletons; the precise timing of such processes is an important indicator of age.

inteligentă socială

Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

The knowledge and images that originate in an individual's brain and that are transferred by speech land in the last 5,000 years, by writing to the brains of others.

cromozom X

Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

Mai mare de doi cromozomi de sex. Normal femeile au doi cromozomi; x normal masculii au unul x si un cromozom y.


Antropologie; Antropologie culturală

Cea mai mare populaţie naturale ale căror membri sunt capabili de a reproduce cu succes printre.

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