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The scientific study of the nature and causes of crime, the behavior of criminals, and the criminal-justice system.

Contributors in Criminalistică


lege statutară

Sociologie; Criminalistică

Legea sub formă de statut sau formale scris stricturi, făcute de un legislativ sau organism de conducere cu puterea de a face Legea.


Sociologie; Criminalistică

În teoria Karl, clasa muncitoare.


Sociologie; Criminalistică

In marxian theory, the class of people which owns the means of production.


Sociologie; Criminalistică

Human conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction which has the power to make such laws.

politici sociale

Sociologie; Criminalistică

Government initiatives, programs, and plans intended to address problems in society. The "war on crime," for example, is a kind of generic (large-scale) social policy–one consisting of many smaller ...


Sociologie; Criminalistică

Măsurări electrice de activitatea undelor cerebrale.


Sociologie; Criminalistică

Undesirable behavioral consequences likely to decrease the frequency of occurrence of that behavior.

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