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Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

Contributors in Creştinism



Religie; Creştinism

Cartea sacră a creştinismului, o colecţie de scrieri antice, inclusiv cărţi ale Vechiului Testament şi Noul Testament.

Noul Testament

Religie; Creştinism

The collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Revelation.

Vechiul Testament

Religie; Creştinism

O colecţie de cărţi care cuprinde Sfânta Scriptură de evrei si istoria lor ca poporul ales de înregistrare.


Religie; Creştinism

A sacred song; a poetical composition for use in the praise or worship of God.


Religie; Creştinism

A cincea carte din Vechiul Testament.

Tatăl nostru

Religie; Creştinism

The prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples. Also called Our Father.


Religie; Creştinism

O nişă semicircular acoperit cu o boltă semisferică sau cupola.

Glosare dezvoltate

Julius Caesar

Categorie: Educaţie   1 20 Terms


Categorie: Geografie   1 20 Terms