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Relating to public figures or personalities, celebrities or otherwise, who have made significant progress in their particular professional field, or who have helped or influenced wider society to an outstanding degree.

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Contributors in Persoane

Persoane > Antreprenori

George Soros

Persoane; Antreprenori

George Soros s-a născut în Budapesta, pe 12 iulie 1930. a emigrat și s-a stabilit în Statele Unite ale Americii în 1956. Faimoasa cunoscut ca "omul care a spart Banca Angliei" la ...

Christy Walton

Persoane; Antreprenori

Christy Ruth Walton s-a născut în 1955. , Ea este mai bogată femeie din lume, cu o estimată Net Worth 26. 5 miliarde (2011). Ea a moştenit cele mai multe dintre ei avere după ce ...

Bill Gates

Persoane; Antreprenori

Born William Henry "Bill" Gates III, ( October 28, 1955), an American business magnate, philanthropist, author and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul ...

Henry Ford

Persoane; Antreprenori

Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947), prominent American industrialist, entrepreneur, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly ...

W.K. Kellogg

Persoane; Antreprenori

Will Keith Kellogg (7 aprilie 1860-6 octombrie 1951), un industriaş American in productia de produse alimentare, antreprenor şi un filantrop majore. Kellogg este cel mai bine ...

Andy Grove

Persoane; Antreprenori

Born Andrew Stephen "Andy" Grove (2 September 1936), a Hungarian American businessman and engineer. He was one of the first employees of Intel Corporation and ultimately played ...

Steve Jobs

Persoane; Antreprenori

Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs, an American business magnate and inventor, is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Jobs also previously served as the chief ...