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Servicii online

Any business that provides its subscribers with a wide variety of data transmitted over telecommunications lines, an infrastructure in which they can communicate with one another as well as the means to connect with an almost unlimited number of third-party information providers.

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Servicii online > Medii sociale


Internet; Medii sociale

O persoană care a aderat o pagină, pentru că le place ceea ce reprezintă acea pagina.


Internet; Medii sociale

Used to separate friends into different categories. Create your own filters using Friend Lists. You can also filter by applications, like Photos.  Tour the new Facebook ...


Internet; Medii sociale

O persoană care s-a alăturat unui profil, de obicei, pe baza de invitatie.

căutare prieteni

Internet; Medii sociale

Un utilitar de Facebook, care ajută utilizatorii să găsească prezent şi fostul prietenii, familia, colegii, colegii, şi alte cunoştinţe. Vizitaţi Friend Finder pentru a afla mai ...


Internet; Medii sociale

Jetoane virtuale de apreciere dă un membru la altul. Pe 9 aprilie 2009, Facebook a celebrat 200 de milioane de utilizatori prin parteneriatul cu 16 grupuri de caritate/advocacy la ...


Internet; Medii sociale

A group is not a page or profile. It is a Facebook site created by bands, companies and other organizations to promote their activities.  Visit the Help Center to learn ...


Internet; Medii sociale

Featured photos, events, notes and more that you don't want to miss. Stories are chosen based on what your friends have interacted with.  Tour the new Facebook homepage to ...