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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literatură > Romane de succes

Fata care s-a jucat cu focul

Literatură; Romane de succes

Author Stieg Larsson's seething heroine, Lisbeth Salander, once again finds herself paired with journalist Mikael Blomkvist on the trail of a sinister criminal enterprise. Only ...

Îngeri şi Demoni

Literatură; Romane de succes

A 2000 bestselling mystery-thriller novel written by American author Dan Brown and published by Pocket Books. The novel introduces the character Robert Langdon, who is also the ...

Codul Da Vinci

Literatură; Romane de succes

Cu The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown concocts cu maiestrie un thriller inteligent şi lucidă, care se casatoreste cu bucurie de un mister crimă internaţională cu o colecţie de fascinant ...

Fără limite

Literatură; Romane de succes

O poveste de Michael Phelps cu Alan Abrahamson despre Secretele de succes înotător.Michael Phelps este unul dintre concurenţii cel mai mare din lume a văzut vreodată. La senzatia ...

Leul American

Literatură; Romane de succes

In this book Author O'Reilly goes back in time to examine the people, places, and experiences that launched him on his journey from being a working-class kid to an immensely ...

Justiţie Divină

Literatură; Romane de succes

A novel by David Baldacci about Members of Washington’s Camel Club rally to save their leader, who is hiding out in the town of Divine, Va. Former CIA assassin Oliver Stone ...


Literatură; Romane de succes

The Bible is the various collections of sacred scripture of the various branches of Judaism and Christianity. The Bible, in its various editions, is the best-selling book in ...