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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Limbă > Gramatică


Limbă; Gramatică

A complex consonant which consists of a stop followed immediately by a fricative at the same or nearly the same place of articulation. E. G. The affricate "ch" consists of the ...


Limbă; Gramatică

A prefix or suffix: a dependent morpheme which can be added to a stem or root in the process of forming a complex word.

accent grav

Limbă; Gramatică

(pronounced GRAHV, not GRAYV): The "backwards" accent (diacritic) mark that is written on vowels like à or è. (It contrasts with the acute accent on á and é. ) It has been used to ...

accent acut

Limbă; Gramatică

The "normal" accent mark (diacritic) that is written on vowels like á or é. (It contrasts with the grave accent on à and è. ) It is often used to mark stress, though it is ...

articulator pasiv

Limbă; Gramatică

În producţia de o consoană, articulator care se mută mai puţin.

articulator activ

Limbă; Gramatică

În producţia de o consoană, articulator care se mişcă mai mult.


Limbă; Gramatică

Parte de vorbire care se alătură cuvinte, fraze, clauze sau propoziţii. Există trei tipuri de conjuncţiilor în limba engleză: # ''' coordoneze conjuncţiilor ''' se alăture ...