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Of or pertaining to any administrative organ that has authority to govern a political state.

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Contributors in Guvern

Guvern > Guvern american

partid politic

Guvern; Guvern american

Any group, however loosely organized, that seeks to elect government officials under a given label.

drepturi inalienabile

Guvern; Guvern american

Fundamental rights of the people that may not be taken away. A phrase used in the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

libertate de exprimare

Guvern; Guvern american

Freedom to express oneself, either verbally or non-verbally, that is, symbolically.

serviciu public

Guvern; Guvern american

Service to local, state, or national communities through appointed or elected office.


Guvern; Guvern american

Când scaun normele de un punct de ordine, orice Senator poate cere hotărâri, caz în care plenul Senatului face o decizie finală punctul de comandă prin vot dacă să susţină sau ...


Guvern; Guvern american

Unless rules specify otherwise, the Senate may agree to any question by a majority of Senators voting, if a quorum is present. The Chair puts each question by voice vote unless ...


Guvern; Guvern american

Suma prin care cheltuielile depăşesc încasările într-o anumită perioadă fiscală.