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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Divertisment > Filme


Divertisment; Filme

Also Known As: Genny, Genny Operator. A mechanical engine which produces electricity from fuel (usually diesel). Frequently used for location shooting, either due to the ...

Adâncimea câmpului

Divertisment; Filme

De asemenea, cunoscut ca: DOF. O măsură de gama de-a lungul un aparat de fotografiat linie de site-ul în care obiecte vor fi în centrul atenţiei. A se vedea, de asemenea, ...

Spaţiul Live

Divertisment; Filme

A camera's viewfinder actually shows (and records on film stock) a greater area of the scene than will appear in the final product. Markings are etched in the viewfinder to ...


Divertisment; Filme

Un scenariu scris poate fi produsă pentru televiziune.

Abby Singer

Divertisment; Filme

The second-to-last shot of the day. Named after production manager Abby Singer, who would frequently call "last shot of the day" or "this shot, and just one more," only to have ...

Premiile Academiei de Arte şi Ştiinţe Cinematografice

Divertisment; Filme

Also Known As: Oscars, Academy Awards. The term "Oscar" was coined by an anonymous person who remarked that the statue looked like their Uncle Oscar.