Home > Industrie/Domeniu > Animale
Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.
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- Amfibieni (345)
- Animale (5906)
- Animale africane (699)
- Artropode (1396)
- Balene (495)
- Bears (42)
- Cai (6867)
- Câini (15446)
- Cold blooded animals (2)
- Crustacee (417)
- Dinozauri (355)
- Gândaci (153)
- Insecte (14332)
- Maimuţe antropoide (109)
- Mamifere (2232)
- Monkeys (77)
- Păianjeni (1936)
- Păsări (61239)
- Peşte (1495)
- Pisici (8008)
- Porci (810)
- Primate (472)
- Rechini (472)
- Reptile (4108)
- Rozătoare (300)
- Şerpi (687)
- Şoareci (237)
- Vite (143)