Home > Terms > Spaniolă, America Latină (XL) > monotipo


Essentially a unique variant of a conventional print. An impression is printed from a reprintable block, such as an etched plate or woodblock, but in such a way that only one of its kind exists, for example by incorporating unique hand-colouring or collage. The term can also refer to etchings which are inked and wiped in an expressive, not precisely repeatable manner; to prints made from a variety of printing elements that change from one impression to the next; or to prints that are painted or otherwise reworked by hand either before or after printing.

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María Paz Cuturi
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Industrie/Domeniu: Comunicaţii Categorie: Comunicaţii poştale


La deltiología es el estudio y coleccionismo de postales, normalmente como pasatiempo.