Home > Terms > Spaniolă, America Latină (XL) > dirección web
dirección web
An address that uniquely identifies a location on the Internet. A URL is usually preceded by http://, as in http://www.microsoft.com. A URL can contain more detail, such as the name of a page of hypertext, often with the file name extension .html or .htm.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Software
- Categorie: Sisteme de operare
- Company: Microsoft
- Produs:
- Acronim-abreviere:
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Termeni dezvoltaţi
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The 17 Day Diet is a diet created by Mike Moreno, a family medicine doctor based in San Diego, CA, USA. The book, titled after the same name as the ...
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