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porast temperature
Some of the electrical energy losses inherent in motors are converted to heat causing some of the motor parts to heat up when the motor is running. The heated parts are at a higher temperature than the air surrounding them thereby causing a rise above room (ambient) temperature.
It is important to match the proper motor and insulation system (NEMA temp. codes) to the appropriate ambient temperature. If a motor has been built with greater than 1.0 service factor then it can run at a temperature some what higher than the motor's rated operating temperature. In all cases, the actual insulation thermal capability usually is higher than the motor's operating temperature to allow for any excessive heat areas. This is called hot spot allowance. (See Insulation Systems for NEMA standard temperature codes.) Each temperature code has an associated temperature rise which when added to the ambient and hot spot should not exceed the temperature handing of the insulation system.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Echipamente electrice
- Categorie: Motoare
- Company: Baldor
- Produs:
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