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A highly flexible and complex system of communication that allows for the exchange of detailed information about both interior and exterior conditions. As a creative and open system, new signals may be added and new ideas transmitted.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
- Sinonim(e):
- Glosar:
- Industrie/Domeniu: Antropologie
- Categorie: Antropologie culturală
- Company:
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Termeni dezvoltaţi
Džon Lenon
John Lennon, (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) was a celebrated and influential musician and singer-songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as one of ...
Glosare dezvoltate
Browers Terms By Category
- Plastic injection molding(392)
- Industrial manufacturing(279)
- Producţie de hârtie(220)
- Fibră de sticlă(171)
- Contract manufacturing(108)
- Sticlă(45)
Industria prelucrătoare(1257) Terms
- Festivaluri(20)
- Sărbători religioase(17)
- Sărbători naţionale(9)
- Datini(6)
- Sărbători neoficiale(6)
- Sărbători internaţionale(5)
Vacanţă(68) Terms
- Ştiinţa comunicării(4042)
- Ştiinţa solului(1654)
- Oceanografie fizică(1561)
- Geologie(1407)
- Seismologie(488)
- Detectare la distanţă(446)
Ştiinţa Pământului(10026) Terms
- Condensatori(290)
- Rezistori(152)
- Comutatoare(102)
- Panouri LCD(47)
- Surse electrice(7)
- Conectori(7)
Componente electrice(619) Terms
- Restaurant diverse(209)
- Culinar(115)
- Cină rafinată(63)
- Restaurante(23)
- Cafenele(19)
- Bufete cu autoservire(12)