Home > Terms > Albaneză (SQ) > Plan Marshall
Plan Marshall
A massive foreign aid program to Western Europe of $17 billion over four years, beginning in 1948. Named after Secretary of State George Marshall, the program restored economic prosperity to the region and stabilized its system of democracy and capitalism.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv propriu
- Sinonim(e):
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Istorie
- Categorie: Istorie americană
- Company: University of Houston
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Industrie/Domeniu: Operaţiuni bancare Categorie:
Një pajisje e kompjuterizuar e telekomunikacionit që u ofron klientëve të një institucioni financiar qasje në transaksionet financiare, në një ...
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- Contabilitate(421)
- Investiţii proprietăţi imobiliare(192)
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- Contracte(640)
- Renovare locuinţă(270)
- Ipotecă(171)
- Rezidenţial(37)
- Corporaţii(35)
- Comercial(31)