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The efficiency of a light source is simply the fraction of electrical energy converted to light, i.e. watts of visible light produced for each watt of electrical power with no concern about the wavelength where the energy is being radiated. For example, a 100 watt incandescent lamp converts 7% of the electrical energy into light; discharge lamps convert 25% to 40% into light. The efficiency of a luminaire or fixture is the percentage of the lamp lumens that actually comes out of the fixture (See LUMINOUS EFFICACY).

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Industrie/Domeniu: Vacanţă Categorie: Festivaluri

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Одбележан во Кина, како и други југоисточни азиски земји, Dragon Boat Festival е на петтиот ден од петтиот месец од лунарниот календар. На овој ден, ...