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Servicii online

Any business that provides its subscribers with a wide variety of data transmitted over telecommunications lines, an infrastructure in which they can communicate with one another as well as the means to connect with an almost unlimited number of third-party information providers.

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Servicii online > Medii sociale

FBML static

Internet; Medii sociale

A Facebook application that lets users customize their pages using Facebook Markup Language (FBML).  See the Static FBML page for more information.  We used Static FBML ...


Internet; Medii sociale

O caracteristică de micro-blogging-ul numit care permite utilizatorilor să informeze prietenii lor de lor whereabouts curent, acţiuni sau gândurile.


Internet; Medii sociale

The stream shows you posts from your friends in real-time.  This keeps you up to date on everything that's happening. You can control who appears here.  Tour the new ...


Internet; Medii sociale

Tabs mark the different sections of a profile.  The Info tab displays basic information like Birthday and Hometown, as well as interests and activities. The Info tab also ...


Internet; Medii sociale

Marking a photo or video with text that identifies the image or the person in the image.  See How Do I Tag a Picture or Video to learn more.


Internet; Medii sociale

O cerere de Facebook care permite traducători din întreaga lume pentru a traduce Facebook în diferite limbi.


Internet; Medii sociale

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